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6 Top Causes of Cavities in Adults

Feb 13, 2024
Tooth decay is a common occurrence among many Americans. Kids can often get cavities because they consume sugary treats and drinks. However, adults certainly aren't exempt from their share of cavities, either. Here are the top causes why adults need to visit a dentist office to handle a cavity.

1. Poor Oral Hygiene
Maintaining regular oral hygiene is the first step in battling tooth decay. According to the CDC, 25% of adults aged 20 to 64 currently have cavities. Many adults don't have good oral hygiene practices to keep their mouths as clean as possible. According to the American Dental Association, everyone should brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day. Another great habit to develop is to brush and floss after every meal or snack. If you can't do that, you can always rinse your mouth out with water to try to get rid of any sugary residue. In addition, you should also incorporate mouthwash and a tongue scraper to thoroughly get rid of any lingering bacteria that get too fresh or floss may have been missed.

2. Dry Mouth
Did you know having a chronically dry mouth can lead to cavities? Your saliva is there to help neutralize acid in your mouth that can cause decay. If you tend to drink beverages that are not water or don't properly hydrate yourself, then you can develop a dry mouth. Make sure you stay as hydrated as possible by drinking multiple glasses of water a day.

3. Frequent Snacks
With so many snacks available, it's hard to resist them. Maybe you like eating starchy foods like chips, pretzels, and bread. Like children, many adults can also enjoy sugary snacks and drinks, especially the famous Frappuccino from Starbucks. However, constant snacking can result in a lot of food residue left behind on your teeth and gums throughout the day. Plus, sugary and starchy foods can also lead to more plaque.

4. Lack of Checkups
Adults should ensure they stay on top of their regular dental checkups. Visiting a dentist office at least twice a year allows your dentist to thoroughly examine your mouth. Not only that, but it will help you prevent cavities. The dentist will take X-rays and do a manual visual check. They see if they can detect those cavities early and prevent them from getting worse. Early intervention with a cavity can often result in a simple filling. However, if it worsens, you may need to get a root canal.

5. Smoking
Smokers are usually addicted to nicotine, which can make it hard to quit. Smoking is a bad habit for many reasons, as it can harm your overall health. One of the things that it can visibly negatively impact is your teeth. If you've ever seen somebody who was a chronic smoker, you may notice that they often have stained and discolored teeth. Sometimes the teeth may be yellow or gray. Smoking can cause cavities as it can lead to a buildup of bacteria. If possible, you should avoid smoking altogether to improve your oral hygiene and prevent cavities.

6. Fluoride
Some adults are simply no longer getting the fluoride they may have gotten as a child. If an adult has chosen not to use toothpaste with fluoride, they may be risking the strength of their enamel. After all, fluoride is used to strengthen tooth enamel and by proxy, helps prevent cavities. When you stop using products that have fluoride in them, you’ll automatically be at a greater risk for tooth decay. They want to consider buying toothpaste and mouthwash that contains fluoride, so you can give your mouth some extra protection.

If you plan on improving your health in 2024, make your initial appointment at your local dentist office immediately. According to the American Dental Association, you should see your local dentist at least twice a year. Keeping up with your dental appointments, regular brushing and flossing, and avoiding snacks and bad habits like excessive alcohol and smoking can all go a long way in preventing adult cavities. If you have any questions about avoiding tooth decay or dealing with an existing cavity, contact Dentistry At Houston Lake today. We cannot wait to assist you.
dental clinic
08 Apr, 2024
Check out our post to learn about a few reasons why you should prioritize your oral health. If you need a dental clinic, give us a call.
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